Approximately 40% of the mitochondria in the sphincter muscle of the crayfish vas deferens have prismatic-type cristae. In cross section, the angular cristae have either triangular or rhomboid profiles which are surrounded by a hexagonal array of electron-dense dots. In longitudinal section, these mitochondria exhibit both thick and thin parallel lines, which represent cristae and filaments, respectively. It is postulated that the matrix of the prismatic-type mitochondria is packed with rodlets composed of an electron-dense core and a less dense shell. Close packing of these rodlets results in the regular hexagonal dot array. Deletion of fascicles of 3 or 4 rodlets results in spaces with triangular or rectangular cross sections. Lining of these spaces with membranes results in cristae with triangular or rhomboid cross sections.
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1 July 1977
July 01 1977
Morphometry and ultrastructure of prismatic cristae in mitochondria of a crayfish muscle. A hypothesis of the structural principle.
L L Murdock
M A Cahill
A Reith
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1977) 74 (1): 326–332.
L L Murdock, M A Cahill, A Reith; Morphometry and ultrastructure of prismatic cristae in mitochondria of a crayfish muscle. A hypothesis of the structural principle.. J Cell Biol 1 July 1977; 74 (1): 326–332. doi:
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