This study reports on the distribution of bicarbonate-stimulated ATPase in rat intestinal epithelial cells. Brush-border membranes and basolateral membranes were separated from each other and from mitochondrial and other intracellular membranes by differential and density gradient centrifugation. Bicarbonate-sensitive ATPase activity followed the mitochondrial marker succinic dehydrogenase closely throughout all the centrifugation steps. The low HCO3--ATPase activity in purified brush-border and basolateral plasma membranes could be accounted for quantitatively by the small mitochondrial contamination. Consequently, there are no grounds for postulating that this enzyme has a direct role in H+ or HCO3- transport across the rat small intestine.
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1 April 1977
April 01 1977
Distribution of bicarbonate-stimulated ATPase in rat intestinal epithelium.
C H van Os
A K Mircheff
E M Wright
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1977) 73 (1): 257–260.
C H van Os, A K Mircheff, E M Wright; Distribution of bicarbonate-stimulated ATPase in rat intestinal epithelium.. J Cell Biol 1 April 1977; 73 (1): 257–260. doi:
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