When exponentially growing CHO cells were deprived of arginine (Arg), cell multiplication ceased after 12 h, but initiation of DNA synthesis continued: after 48 h of starvation with continuous [3H]thymidine exposure, 85% of the population had incorporated label, as detected autoradiographically. Consideration of the distribution of exponential cells in the various cell cycle phases leads to a calculation that most cells in G1 at the time that Arg was removed, as well as those in S, engaged in some DNA synthesis during starvation. In contrast, isoleucine (Ile)-starved cells did not initiate DNA synthesis, as has been reported by others. Experiments with cells synchronized by mitotic selection confirmed this difference in Arg- and Ile- deprived behavior, but also showed that cells which underwent the mitosis leads to G1 transition during Arg starvation remained arrested in G1 (G0?). The results suggest that Arg-deprived cells continue to maintain some proliferative function(s) while Ile-deprived cells do not.
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1 April 1977
April 01 1977
Continued initiation of DNA synthesis in arginine-deprived Chinese hamster ovary cells.
A S Weissfeld
H Rouse
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1977) 73 (1): 200–205.
A S Weissfeld, H Rouse; Continued initiation of DNA synthesis in arginine-deprived Chinese hamster ovary cells.. J Cell Biol 1 April 1977; 73 (1): 200–205. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.73.1.200
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