The connectives above and below the second thoracic ganglion and nerves to and from the mesothoracic leg were severed in Periplaneta americana. Isolated ganglia and severed nerve cord were examined in the electron microscope. In the connectives, sheaths of degenerating fibers remain continuous but become thicker and more dense. There is increase in number and more haphazard disposition of the neuroglial processes which ensheath the axons. The cytoplasm contains vacuoles. Dense droplets normally intercalated between the layers of neuroglial processes ensheathing the axons are strikingly increased in number. The axoplasm with its organelles forms dense clumps. Mitochondria in axons are enlarged, the intramitochondrial matrix is more dense, and the internal folds are disorganized. In ganglia, mitochondrial changes in terminal parts of the axons appear similar to those described in the parent axons in the connective. The synaptic portions of nerve fibers appear very dense. Alterations of the sheath are minimal. Synaptic particles in the degenerating axoplasmic coagulum undergo only slight morphological changes and are still present up to 6 days after severance of their nerve fibers. It is difficult to assess whether there are any alterations in the total number of synaptic particles during degeneration.
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1 April 1960
Content prior to 1962 was published under the journal name
The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology
April 01 1960
The Fine Structure of Degenerating Nerve Fibers, their Sheaths, and their Terminations in the Central Nerve Cord of the Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
Arthur Hess
Arthur Hess
From the Department of Anatomy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis
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Arthur Hess
From the Department of Anatomy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis
June 12 1959
Copyright, 1960, by The Rockefeller Institute Press
J Biophys and Biochem Cytol (1960) 7 (2): 339–344.
Article history
June 12 1959
Arthur Hess; The Fine Structure of Degenerating Nerve Fibers, their Sheaths, and their Terminations in the Central Nerve Cord of the Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) . J Biophys and Biochem Cytol 1 April 1960; 7 (2): 339–344. doi:
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