A regional specialization of the cell surface of T. cruzi culture forms was found at the cytostome as a localized thick surface coat rich in carbohydrate-containing components. The prominent surface coat was located over a region of the plasma membrane where intramembranous particles were exceedingly low in number. In turn, the particle-poor region was related to specialized submembrane fibrils not present under other regions of the plasma membrane. The cystostome region provides a striking example of a stable regional differentiation of the plasma membrane, involving the outer surface, the membrane interior, and the underlying cytoplasm. In addition, independence of Con A receptors, colloidal iron binding sites, and ruthenium red-stainable surface components from membrane particles was demonstrated at the flagellar membrane.
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1 May 1976
May 01 1976
Topographical differences in the distribution of surface coat components and intramembrane particles. A cytochemical and freeze-fracture study in culture forms of Trypanosoma cruzi.
A Martínez-Palomo
W DeSouza
A Gonzalez-Robles
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1976) 69 (2): 507–513.
A Martínez-Palomo, W DeSouza, A Gonzalez-Robles; Topographical differences in the distribution of surface coat components and intramembrane particles. A cytochemical and freeze-fracture study in culture forms of Trypanosoma cruzi.. J Cell Biol 1 May 1976; 69 (2): 507–513. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.69.2.507
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