This study describes the selection and preliminary characterization of mammalian cells resistant to 100 mug Tevenel/ml. Tevenel, the sulfamoyl analog of chloramphenicol, is a specific inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis. After growth in suspension culture for 5 days in 100 mug Tevenel/ml and subsequent plating in 100 mug Tevenel/ml, LMTK- cells yielded resistant clones. As a control, L cells treated identically yielded no clones. Three resistant clones were chosen for study. Each resistant cell line had an identical growth rate in the presence and absence of 100 mug Tevenel/ml. By plating efficiency analysis, the resistant cells were found to be cross-resistant to D-chloramphenicol. The change responsible for resistance was found to be stable for at least 100 generations in the absence of the drug. Protein synthesis by isolated mitochondria of resistant cells was found to be less inhibited by concentrations of both Tevenel and D-chloramphenicol up to 200 mug/ml than the protein synthesis by LMTK- mitochondria. This resistance in vitro was not changed by incubation of the mitochondria in 0.01% Triton X-100.
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1 May 1975
May 01 1975
Selection of mammalian cells resistant to a chloramphenicol analog.
R B Wallace
K B Freeman
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1975) 65 (2): 492–498.
R B Wallace, K B Freeman; Selection of mammalian cells resistant to a chloramphenicol analog.. J Cell Biol 1 May 1975; 65 (2): 492–498. doi:
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