The developing chick retina from stages 39-45 has been examined by biochemical and electron microscope techniques. The levels of rhodopsin contained in the maturing chick retina were evaluated by detergent extraction and correlated with rod outer segment formation. It was found that the appearance of rhodopsin in significant levels preceded outer segment formation by at least 2 days, thus implying that rhodopsin is synthesized in the receptor cell inner segment and translocated to the outer limb when disk membrane biogenesis occurs. The level of rhodopsin continues to rise as the rod outer segment develops. Development of both rods and cones originates and proceeds most rapidly in the fundus or central region and proceeds toward the periphery. In general, rod outer segments were noted to develop far more rapidly than cone outer segments.
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1 January 1975
January 01 1975
Correlation of rhodopsin biogenesis with ultrastructural morphogenesis in the chick retina.
W T Mason
K J Bighouse
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1975) 64 (1): 235–241.
W T Mason, K J Bighouse; Correlation of rhodopsin biogenesis with ultrastructural morphogenesis in the chick retina.. J Cell Biol 1 January 1975; 64 (1): 235–241. doi:
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