The axostyle of the flagellate Saccinobaculus is a motile ribbon composed of microtubules, cross-bridged to form interconnected rows. We find a centriole-related row of dark-staining tubules near the nucleus at the anterior end of the axostyle. Other tubule rows bind parallel to this primary row, acquire ordered relationships, and become the tubules of the axostyle proper. The number of tubule rows is constant in Saccinobaculus lata from the region near the nucleus to within a few micrometers of the posterior tip of the cell. In Saccinobaculus ambloaxostylus a few tubule rows are added to the axostyle posterior to the nucleus, giving this axostyle a leaf spring construction. The tubules of S. lata are held in rows by links with a 140 Å periodicity along the tubule axis; bridges between rows of tubules are also seen but are not apparently periodic. Each tubule in S. ambloaxostylus shows an axial periodicity of 150 Å due to pairs of arms, one of which is always part of the intrarow link. Interrow bridges in this species run either from tubule to tubule or from tubule to the free arm, but as in S. lata they do not display an obvious axial periodicity. An average unit cell is presented for the axostyle of each species, and the relation of the intertubule links to the microtubule substructure is discussed.

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