The abdominal nerve cord of Periplaneta americana was studied utilizing light and electron microscopes. In the nerve cells, delicate granules, similar to those probably responsible for cytoplasmic basophilia, are evenly distributed in "dark" cells and clumped in "light" cells. Neuroglial cells are stained metachromatically by cresyl violet. The neuroglial cells have many processes which ramify extensively and are enmeshed to form overlapping layers. These imbricated processes ensheath the nerve cells; the inner layer of the sheath penetrates into the neuron and is responsible for the appearance of the trophospongium of Holmgren. Nerve fibers are embedded within glial cells and surrounded by extensions of the plasma membrane similar to mesaxons. Depending on their size, two or several nerve fibers may share a single glial cell. Nerve fibers near their terminations on other nerve fibers contain particles and numerous, large mitochondria. The ganglion is ensheathed by a thick feltwork of connective tissue and perilemmal cells. The abdominal connective has a thinner connective tissue sheath which is without perilemmal cells. The nerve fibers and sheaths in the connective become thinner as they pass through ganglia.
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25 November 1958
Content prior to 1962 was published under the journal name
The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology
November 25 1958
The Fine Structure of Nerve Cells and Fibers, Neuroglia, and Sheaths of the Ganglion Chain in the Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
Arthur Hess
Arthur Hess
(From the Department of Anatomy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis)
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Arthur Hess
(From the Department of Anatomy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis)
April 28 1958
Copyright, 1958, by The Rockefeller Institute
J Biophys and Biochem Cytol (1958) 4 (6): 731–742.
Article history
April 28 1958
Arthur Hess; The Fine Structure of Nerve Cells and Fibers, Neuroglia, and Sheaths of the Ganglion Chain in the Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) . J Biophys and Biochem Cytol 25 November 1958; 4 (6): 731–742. doi:
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