Subcellular fractions were isolated by differential centrifugation from pure suspensions of human blood lymphocytes incubated with and without phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Between 30 and 120 min after addition of PHA to intact cells, redistribution of acid hydrolases (beta glucuronidase, acid phosphatase), from a 20,000 g x 20 min granular fraction into the corresponding supernatant, was observed. No increase in total acid hydrolase activity was found at these times. The mitochondrial marker enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, did not undergo redistribution. Granules derived from PHA-treated cells became more fragile upon subsequent incubation with membrane-disruptive agents in vitro (streptolysin S, filipin). These changes were associated with an increase in the over-all permeability of the stimulated cell to substances in the surrounding medium, such as neutral red. Augmentation of dye entry into lymphocytes required intact metabolism as judged by response to temperature and inhibitors (cyanide, antimycin A, 2,4-dinitrophenol). PHA, however, did not release enzyme activity from hydrolase-rich granules in vitro or render them more susceptible to subsequent challenge with membrane-disruptive agents. These studies suggest that PHA induces early changes in the surface of lymphocytes. The consequent redistribution of acid hydrolases may play a role in remodeling processes of the stimulated cells.
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1 May 1968
May 01 1968
STUDIES ON LYSOSOMES : XII. Redistribution of Acid Hydrolases in Human Lymphocytes Stimulated by Phytohemagglutinin
Rochelle Hirschhorn,
Rochelle Hirschhorn
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Search for other works by this author on:
Günter Brittinger,
Günter Brittinger
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
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Kurt Hirschhorn,
Kurt Hirschhorn
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
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Gerald Weissmann
Gerald Weissmann
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Search for other works by this author on:
Rochelle Hirschhorn
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Günter Brittinger
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Kurt Hirschhorn
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Gerald Weissmann
From the Department of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine, New York 10016 and the Department of Pediatrics, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
October 24 1967
Revision Received:
January 10 1968
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1968) 37 (2): 412–423.
Article history
October 24 1967
Revision Received:
January 10 1968
Rochelle Hirschhorn, Günter Brittinger, Kurt Hirschhorn, Gerald Weissmann; STUDIES ON LYSOSOMES : XII. Redistribution of Acid Hydrolases in Human Lymphocytes Stimulated by Phytohemagglutinin . J Cell Biol 1 May 1968; 37 (2): 412–423. doi:
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