Rat pancreatic islets have been studied following successive daily administration of dehydroascrobic acid (DHA) and during the recovery phase following 3 daily injections. One injection of DHA produces degranulation of B cells seen in the light microscope as a loss of aldehyde fuchsin positivity. In the electron microscope the B cells appear to have secretory granules accumulated subjacent to the plasma membranes. Following 2 and 3 daily injections, B cells evidence alterations in the organization of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and secretory granules are scant but when present are subjacent to the plasma membrane. After 5 to 7 days' recovery few secretory granules remain in B cell cytoplasm, but the cells have prominent granular ER and a Golgi apparatus with numerous prosecretory granules. The primary effect of DHA is an exaggerated secretory response of B cells, which is intensified with subsequent injections. Necrosis of B cells as produced by alloxan is not seen.

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