While membrane proteins such as ion channels continuously turn over and require replacement, the mechanisms of specificity of efficient channel delivery to appropriate membrane subdomains remain poorly understood. GJA1-20k is a truncated Connexin43 (Cx43) isoform arising from translation initiating at an internal start codon within the same parent GJA1 mRNA and is requisite for full-length Cx43 trafficking to cell borders. GJA1-20k does not have a full transmembrane domain, and it is not known how GJA1-20k enables forward delivery of Cx43 hemichannels. Here, we report that a RPEL-like domain at the C terminus of GJA1-20k binds directly to actin and induces an actin phenotype similar to that of an actin-capping protein. Furthermore, GJA1-20k organizes actin within the cytoplasm to physically outline a forward delivery pathway for microtubule-based trafficking of Cx43 channels to follow. In conclusion, we find that the postal address of membrane-bound Cx43 channel delivery is defined by a separate protein encoded by the same mRNA of the channel itself.
A truncated isoform of Connexin43 caps actin to organize forward delivery of full-length Connexin43
R. Baum and V.D. Nguyen share co-first authorship.
Disclosures: All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. J.A. Palatinus reported a patent to Gja1-20k as a therapy for arrhythmia issued. R.M. Shaw reported grants from NIH/NHLBI during the conduct of the study; in addition, R.M. Shaw had a patent number 11433116 issued and a patent to PCT/US2022/079667 pending. No other disclosures were reported.
- Award Id(s): R01HL152691,R01 HL138577,R01 HL136463,R01 HL133286,F31HL147404
Rachel Baum, Vu D. Nguyen, Mario Maalouf, Daisuke Shimura, Miriam Waghalter, Sargis Srapyan, Qianru Jin, Lucas Kuzmanovich, Adelaide T. Gaffney, Bridger R. Bell, Shaohua Xiao, Joseph A. Palatinus, André G. Kléber, Elena E. Grintsevich, TingTing Hong, Robin M. Shaw; A truncated isoform of Connexin43 caps actin to organize forward delivery of full-length Connexin43. J Cell Biol 3 March 2025; 224 (3): e202402112. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202402112
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