Endocytosis, required for the uptake of receptors and their ligands, can also introduce pathological aggregates such as α-synuclein (α-syn) in Parkinson’s Disease. We show here the unexpected presence of intrinsically perforated endolysosomes in neurons, suggesting involvement in the genesis of toxic α-syn aggregates induced by internalized preformed fibrils (PFFs). Aggregation of endogenous α-syn in late endosomes and lysosomes of human iPSC-derived neurons (iNs), seeded by internalized α-syn PFFs, caused the death of the iNs but not of the parental iPSCs and non-neuronal cells. Live-cell imaging of iNs showed constitutive perforations in ∼5% of their endolysosomes. These perforations, identified by 3D electron microscopy in iNs and CA1 pyramidal neurons and absent in non-neuronal cells, may facilitate cytosolic access of endogenous α-syn to PFFs in the lumen of endolysosomes, triggering aggregation. Inhibiting the PIKfyve phosphoinositol kinase reduced α-syn aggregation and associated iN death, even with ongoing PFF endolysosomal entry, suggesting that maintaining endolysosomal integrity might afford a therapeutic strategy to counteract synucleinopathies.

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