Developmental neuronal remodeling is extensive and mechanistically diverse across the nervous system. We sought to identify Drosophila pupal neurons that underwent mechanistically new types of neuronal remodeling and describe remodeling Beat-VaM and Beat-VaL neurons. We show that Beat-VaM neurons produce highly branched neurites in the CNS during larval stages that undergo extensive local pruning. Surprisingly, although the ecdysone receptor (EcR) is essential for pruning in all other cell types studied, Beat-VaM neurons remodel their branches extensively despite cell autonomous blockade EcR or caspase signaling. Proper execution of local remodeling in Beat-VaM neurons instead depends on extrinsic signaling from astrocytes converging with intrinsic and less dominant EcR-regulated mechanisms. In contrast, Beat-VaL neurons undergo steroid hormone–dependent, apoptotic cell death, which we show relies on the segment-specific expression of the Hox gene Abd-B. Our work provides new cell types in which to study neuronal remodeling, highlights an important role for astrocytes in activating local pruning in Drosophila independent of steroid signaling, and defines a Hox gene-mediated mechanism for segment-specific cell elimination.

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