VPS13B/COH1 is the only known causative factor for Cohen syndrome, an early-onset autosomal recessive developmental disorder with intellectual inability, developmental delay, joint hypermobility, myopia, and facial dysmorphism as common features, but the molecular basis of VPS13B/COH1 in pathogenesis remains largely unclear. Here, we identify Sec23 interacting protein (Sec23IP) at the ER exit site (ERES) as a VPS13B adaptor that recruits VPS13B to ERES–Golgi interfaces. VPS13B interacts directly with Sec23IP via the VPS13 adaptor binding domain (VAB), and the interaction promotes the association between ERES and the Golgi. Disease-associated missense mutations of VPS13B–VAB impair the interaction with Sec23IP. Knockout of VPS13B or Sec23IP blocks the formation of tubular ERGIC, an unconventional cargo carrier that expedites ER-to-Golgi transport. In addition, depletion of VPS13B or Sec23IP delays ER export of procollagen, suggesting a link between procollagen secretion and joint laxity in patients with Cohen disease. Together, our study reveals a crucial role of VPS13B–Sec23IP interaction at the ERES–Golgi interface in the pathogenesis of Cohen syndrome.

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