For proper chromosome segregation, the sister kinetochores must attach to microtubules extending from the opposite spindle poles. Any errors in microtubule attachment can induce aneuploidy. In this study, we identify a novel conserved Caenorhabditis elegans microtubule-associated protein, regulator of microtubule dynamics 1 (RMD-1), that localizes to spindle microtubules and spindle poles. Depletion of RMD-1 induces severe defects in chromosome segregation, probably through merotelic attachments between microtubules and chromosomes. Although rmd-1 embryos also have a mild defect in microtubule growth, we find that mutants of the microtubule growth regulator XMAP215/ZYG-9 show much weaker segregation defects. This suggests that the microtubule growth defect in rmd-1 embryos does not cause abnormal chromosome segregation. We also see that RMD-1 interacts with aurora B in vitro. Our results suggest that RMD-1 functions in chromosome segregation in C. elegans embryos, possibly through the aurora B–mediated pathway. Human homologues of RMD-1 could also bind microtubules, which would suggest a function for these proteins in chromosome segregation during mitosis in other organisms as well.

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