While a normal cell (left) has finished cytokinesis, a UPR mutant (right) is still stuck.

A stress-coping strategy of the ER is needed in every cell cycle, show Bicknell et al. (page 1017). The ER's unfolded protein response (UPR), previously associated only with unusual or stressful conditions, is needed for the routine event of cytokinesis.

The UPR is activated when the ER is overloaded with misfolded proteins. It increases ER capacity and helps reduce the load. But the authors wondered whether everyday ER fluctuations might also tweak the UPR.

One particularly taxing process, the group reasoned, is cell division. Sure enough, cytokinesis was slowed in budding yeast cells that lacked the UPR. The stalls required no additional stress; division was enough. No other mitotic stages were affected.

The ER supports cytokinesis by making new phospholipids for the pinching process and as the first stage...

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