Endothelial cells (EC) express several members of the Homeobox (Hox) gene family, suggesting a role for these morphoregulatory mediators during angiogenesis. We have previously established that Hox D3 is required for expression of integrin αvβ3 and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), which contribute to EC adhesion, invasion, and migration during angiogenesis. We now report that the paralogous gene, Hox B3, influences angiogenic behavior in a manner that is distinct from Hox D3. Antisense against Hox B3 impaired capillary morphogenesis of dermal microvascular EC cultured on basement membrane extracellular matrices. Although levels of Hox D3-dependent genes were maintained in these cells, levels of the ephrin A1 ligand were markedly attenuated. Capillary morphogenesis could be restored, however, by addition of recombinant ephrin A1/Fc fusion proteins. To test the impact of Hox B3 on angiogenesis in vivo, we constitutively expressed Hox B3 in the chick chorioallantoic membrane using avian retroviruses that resulted in an increase in vascular density and angiogenesis. Thus, while Hox D3 promotes the invasive or migratory behavior of EC, Hox B3 is required for the subsequent capillary morphogenesis of these new vascular sprouts and, together, these results support the hypothesis that paralogous Hox genes perform complementary functions within a particular tissue type.
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24 January 2000
January 24 2000
Homeobox B3 Promotes Capillary Morphogenesis and Angiogenesis
Connie Myers,
Connie Myers
aSurgical Research Laboratories, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143
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Aubri Charboneau,
Aubri Charboneau
bDepartment of Anatomy, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia 23298
Search for other works by this author on:
Nancy Boudreau
Nancy Boudreau
aSurgical Research Laboratories, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143
Search for other works by this author on:
Connie Myers
aSurgical Research Laboratories, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143
Aubri Charboneau
bDepartment of Anatomy, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia 23298
Nancy Boudreau
aSurgical Research Laboratories, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143
Abbreviations used in this paper: bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; BM, basement membrane; CAM, chick chorioallantoic membrane; EC, endothelial cells; ECM, extracellular matrix; HMEC, human microvascular endothelial cells; HMEC-1, human dermal microvascular endothelial cells; Hox, Homeobox; RT, reverse transcriptase; uPA, urokinase plasminogen activator.
September 13 1999
Revision Requested:
November 19 1999
December 13 1999
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
© 2000 The Rockefeller University Press
The Rockefeller University Press
J Cell Biol (2000) 148 (2): 343–352.
Article history
September 13 1999
Revision Requested:
November 19 1999
December 13 1999
Connie Myers, Aubri Charboneau, Nancy Boudreau; Homeobox B3 Promotes Capillary Morphogenesis and Angiogenesis. J Cell Biol 24 January 2000; 148 (2): 343–352. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.148.2.343
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