Pex mutants of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica are defective in peroxisome assembly. The mutant strain pex16-1 lacks morphologically recognizable peroxisomes. Most peroxisomal proteins are mislocalized to a subcellular fraction enriched for cytosol in pex16 strains, but a subset of peroxisomal proteins is localized at, or near, wild-type levels to a fraction typically enriched for peroxisomes. The PEX16 gene was isolated by functional complementation of the pex16-1 strain and encodes a protein, Pex16p, of 391 amino acids (44,479 D). Pex16p has no known homologues. Pex16p is a peripheral protein located at the matrix face of the peroxisomal membrane. Substitution of the carboxylterminal tripeptide Ser-Thr-Leu, which is similar to the consensus sequence of peroxisomal targeting signal 1, does not affect targeting of Pex16p to peroxisomes. Pex16p is synthesized in wild-type cells grown in glucose-containing media, and its levels are modestly increased by growth of cells in oleic acid–containing medium. Overexpression of the PEX16 gene in oleic acid– grown Y. lipolytica leads to the appearance of a small number of enlarged peroxisomes, which contain the normal complement of peroxisomal proteins at levels approaching those of wild-type peroxisomes.
Enlarged Peroxisomes Are Present in Oleic Acid–grown Yarrowia lipolytica Overexpressing the PEX16 Gene Encoding an Intraperoxisomal Peripheral Membrane Peroxin
G.A. Eitzen is the recipient of a Studentship from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. R.K. Szilard is the recipient of a Studentship from the Medical Research Council (MRC) of Canada. R.A. Rachubinski is an MRC Scientist and an International Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This work was supported by a grant from the MRC to R.A. Rachubinski.
Please address all correspondence to Richard A. Rachubinski, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Alberta, Medical Sciences Building 5-14, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7, Canada. Tel.: (403) 492-9868; Fax: (403) 492-9278; E-mail: [email protected]
Gary A. Eitzen, Rachel K. Szilard, Richard A. Rachubinski; Enlarged Peroxisomes Are Present in Oleic Acid–grown Yarrowia lipolytica Overexpressing the PEX16 Gene Encoding an Intraperoxisomal Peripheral Membrane Peroxin. J Cell Biol 16 June 1997; 137 (6): 1265–1278. doi:
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