The short filaments extending from the cytoplasmic face of nuclear pore complexes are thought to contain docking sites for nuclear import substrates. One component of these filaments is the large O-linked glycoprotein CAN/Nup214. Immunoprecipitation studies carried out under nondenaturing conditions, and using a variety of antibodies, reveal a novel nonglycosylated nucleoporin, Nup84, that is tightly associated with CAN/Nup214. Consistent with such an association, Nup84 is found to be exposed on the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex. cDNA sequence analyses indicate that Nup84 contains neither the GLFG nor the XFXFG repeats that are a characteristic of a number of other nuclear pore complex proteins. Secondary structure predictions, however, suggest that Nup84 contains a coiled–coil COOH-terminal domain, a conclusion supported by the observation of significant sequence similarity between this region of the molecule and various members of the tropomyosin family. Mutagenesis and expression studies indicate that the putative coiled–coil domain is required for association with the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex, whereas it is the NH2-terminal region of Nup84 that contains the site of interaction with CAN/Nup214. These findings suggest a model in which Nup84 may function in the attachment of CAN/Nup214 to the central framework of the nuclear pore complex. In this way, Nup84 could play a central role in the organization of the interface between the pore complex and the cytoplasm.
Nup84, A Novel Nucleoporin That Is Associated With CAN/Nup214 on the Cytoplasmic Face of the Nuclear Pore Complex
Please address all correspondence to Brian Burke, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1, Canada. Tel.: (403) 220-7287. Fax: (403) 270-0979. e-mail: [email protected]
R. Bastos' present address is Institute Jacques Monod, Département Biologie Cellulaire, Université Paris 7, Tour 43, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France.
1. Abbreviation used in this paper: NPC, nuclear pore complex.
Ricardo Bastos, Lluis Ribas de Pouplana, Mark Enarson, Khaldon Bodoor, Brian Burke; Nup84, A Novel Nucleoporin That Is Associated With CAN/Nup214 on the Cytoplasmic Face of the Nuclear Pore Complex. J Cell Biol 2 June 1997; 137 (5): 989–1000. doi:
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