The folding of actin and tubulin is mediated via interaction with a heteromeric toroidal complex (cytoplasmic chaperonin) that hydrolyzes ATP as part of the reaction whereby native proteins are ultimately released. Vertebrate actin-related protein (actin-RPV) (also termed centractin) and gamma-tubulin are two proteins that are distantly related to actin and tubulin, respectively: gamma-tubulin is exclusively located at the centrosome, while actin-RPV is conspicuously abundant at the same site. Here we show that actin-RPV and gamma-tubulin are both folded via interaction with the same chaperonin that mediates the folding of beta-actin and alpha- and beta-tubulin. In each case, the unfolded polypeptide forms a binary complex with cytoplasmic chaperonin and is released as a soluble, monomeric protein in the presence of Mg-ATP and the presence or absence of Mg-GTP. In contrast to alpha- and beta-tubulin, the folding of gamma-tubulin does not require the presence of cofactors in addition to chaperonin itself. Monomeric actin-RPV produced in in vitro folding reactions cocycles efficiently with native brain actin, while in vitro folded gamma-tubulin binds to polymerized microtubules in a manner consistent with interaction with microtubule ends. Both monomeric actin-RPV and gamma-tubulin bind to columns of immobilized nucleotide: monomeric actin-RPV has no marked preference for ATP or GTP, while gamma-tubulin shows some preference for GTP binding. We show that actin-RPV and gamma-tubulin compete with one another, and with beta-actin or alpha-tubulin, for binary complex formation with cytoplasmic chaperonin.
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15 September 1993
September 15 1993
Chaperonin-mediated folding of vertebrate actin-related protein and gamma-tubulin
R Melki,
R Melki
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
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IE Vainberg,
IE Vainberg
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
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RL Chow,
RL Chow
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
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NJ Cowan
NJ Cowan
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
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R Melki
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
IE Vainberg
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
RL Chow
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
NJ Cowan
Department of Biochemistry, New York University Medical Center, New York 10016.
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1993) 122 (6): 1301–1310.
R Melki, IE Vainberg, RL Chow, NJ Cowan; Chaperonin-mediated folding of vertebrate actin-related protein and gamma-tubulin. J Cell Biol 15 September 1993; 122 (6): 1301–1310. doi:
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