Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is synthesized by and released from macrophages in response to a variety of stimuli and appears to play an essential role in virtually all inflammatory conditions. In tissues of mesenchymal origin (e.g., cartilage, muscle, bone, and soft connective tissue) IL-1 induces changes characteristic of both destructive as well as reparative phenomena. Previous studies with natural IL-1 of varying degrees of purity have suggested that it is capable of modulating a number of biological activities of fibroblasts. We have compared the effects of purified human recombinant (hr) IL-1 alpha and beta on several fibroblast functions. The parameters studied include cell proliferation, chemotaxis, and production of collagen, collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP), and prostaglandin (PG) E2. We observed that hrIL-1s stimulate the synthesis and accumulation of type I procollagen chains. Intracellular degradation of collagen is not altered by the hrIL-1s. Both IL-1s were observed to increase the steady-state levels of pro alpha 1(I) and pro alpha 2(I) mRNAs, indicating that they exert control of type I procollagen gene expression at the pretranslational level. We found that both hrIL-1 alpha and beta stimulate synthesis of TIMP, collagenase, PGE2, and growth of fibroblasts in vitro but are not chemotactic for fibroblasts. Although hrIl-1 alpha and beta both are able to stimulate production of PGE2 by fibroblasts, inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin has no measurable effect on the ability of the IL-1s to stimulate cell growth or production of collagen and collagenase. Each of the IL-1s stimulated proliferation and collagen production by fibroblasts to a similar degree, however hrIL-1 beta was found to be less potent than hrIL-1 alpha in stimulating PGE2 production. These observations support the notion that IL-1 alpha and beta may both modulate the degradation of collagen at sites of tissue injury by virtue of their ability to stimulate collagenase and PGE2 production by fibroblasts. Furthermore, IL-1 alpha and beta might also direct reparative functions of fibroblasts by stimulating their proliferation and synthesis of collagen and TIMP.

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