The potential relationship of cell adhesion to embryonic induction during feather formation was examined by immunohistochemical analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of three cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs), neural CAM (N-CAM), liver CAM (L-CAM), and neuron-glia CAM (Ng-CAM), and of substrate molecules (laminin and fibronectin) in embryonic chicken skin. The N-CAM found at sites of embryonic induction in the feather was found to be similar to brain N-CAM as judged by immuno-cross-reactivity, migratory position in PAGE, and the presence of embryonic to adult conversion. In contrast to the N-CAM found in the brain, however, only one polypeptide of Mr 140,000 was seen. N-CAM-positive dermal condensations were distributed periodically under L-CAM-positive feather placodes at those sites where basement membranes are known to be disrupted. After initiation of induction, L-CAM-positive placode cells became transiently N-CAM-positive. N-CAM was asymmetrically concentrated in the dorsal region of the feather bud, while fibronectin was concentrated in the ventral region. During feather follicle formation, N-CAM was expressed in the dermal papilla and was closely apposed to the L-CAM-positive papillar ectoderm, while the dermal papilla showed no evidence of laminin or fibronectin. The collar epithelium was both N-CAM- and L-CAM-positive. During the formation of the feather filament, N-CAM appeared periodically and asymmetrically on basilar cells located in the valleys between adjacent barb ridges. In contrast to the two primary CAMs, Ng-CAM was found only on nerves supplying the feather and the skin. These studies indicate that at each site of induction during feather morphogenesis, a general pattern is repeated in which an epithelial structure linked by L-CAM is confronted with periodically propagating condensations of cells linked by N-CAM.
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1 September 1985
September 01 1985
Expression of cell-adhesion molecules in embryonic induction. I. Morphogenesis of nestling feathers.
C M Chuong
G M Edelman
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1985) 101 (3): 1009–1026.
C M Chuong, G M Edelman; Expression of cell-adhesion molecules in embryonic induction. I. Morphogenesis of nestling feathers.. J Cell Biol 1 September 1985; 101 (3): 1009–1026. doi:
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