The biosynthesis of von Willebrand protein by human endothelial cells was impaired by the presence of the carboxylic ionophore monensin. Several processing steps that have been localized to the Golgi apparatus were affected in a dose-dependent manner, including carbohydrate processing, dimer multimerization, and precursor cleavage. Since multimerization was more susceptible to the ionophore than was precursor cleavage, it appears that these processing steps are separate events. As expected, dimer formation, which occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, was unaffected by monensin. Thus, at high concentrations of monensin, only dimer molecules were produced and secreted. The observed inhibition of multimer formation and precursor cleavage were not likely the result of incomplete carbohydrate processing, since inhibition of complex carbohydrate formation by swainsonine did not interfere with the other processing steps. Monensin also affected the capacity of endothelial cells to store von Willebrand protein, as the ratio of secreted to cell-associated protein increased dramatically in the presence of monensin, and the processed forms could not be found in the treated cells. The low molecular weight multimers produced in the presence of monensin did not incorporate in the endothelial cells' extracellular matrix nor did they bind to the matrix of human foreskin fibroblasts. In summary, the presence of monensin in human endothelial cell culture produced experimental conditions that mimic Type IIA von Willebrand disease, in that the cells synthesized and secreted only low molecular weight von Willebrand protein multimers, which were functionally defective.

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