Orthogonal arrays are found on plasma membranes of glial cells, in the central nervous system, on muscle plasma membranes at neuromuscular junctions, and on a variety of epithelial cells. These structures have been correlated with ion flux. With the aid of freeze fracture technique, orthogonal particle arrays were found on plasma membranes on airway epithelial cells of rats and hamsters. They have been found in abundance at the base of secretory cells throughout normal airway epithelium. These structures were found to increase in number during regeneration in response to injury and they were found in great numbers on plasma membranes of all airway cells in response to acute and chronic NO2 exposure. The lateral and basal plasma membranes of the respiratory epithelium are a new source for studying orthogonal arrays. The normal number and distribution of these arrays can be perturbed in response to mechanical and chemical injury.
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1 February 1985
February 01 1985
Orthogonal arrays in normal and injured respiratory airway epithelium.
R E Gordon
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1985) 100 (2): 648–651.
R E Gordon; Orthogonal arrays in normal and injured respiratory airway epithelium.. J Cell Biol 1 February 1985; 100 (2): 648–651. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.100.2.648
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